Electronics is the branch of physics that deals with the design of circuits by using electronic components, such as transistors, resistors, and integrated circuits. It is also the study of the emission, movement and behaviour of electrons in electronic devices, such as semiconductors and conductors. The electronic circuit components are the essential physical entity in an electronic device. The first electronic device was introduced in 1835 by the famous American scientist Sir Joseph Henry. Sir Joseph invented a remote switch that was controlled by electricity. Electricity tends to travel at the same speed as light, which is 3 x 108 m/s. Electricity is one of the most convenient ways to transfer energy from one place to another.
We Study Electronics Because
Electronics is a highly influential branch of physics or science that significantly advances technology. Because electronics has only been a field of study for less than a century, its scientific discoveries have greatly influenced today’s culture. Electronics has many applications, such as solar energy systems and mobile phones, that reduce the distance between national boundaries. It plays an essential role in everyone’s lives. Electronics make our life more convenient, accessible and efficient. Electronics not only help in fulfilling our individual needs, but they also contribute to the growth of our economy as a whole; this is because as technology advances, innovation and modernity increase, and electronics play a significant part in both areas.
The Difference between Electronics and Electrical
The difference between electrical and electronics is negligibly small, and both of them more or less deal with electricity. Electronics deals with the flow of electrons, whereas electrical deals with the flow of electrical power or charges. The main difference between electrical and electronic devices is that the former transforms electrical energy into various forms of energy, such as heat, light, and sound. At the same time, the latter regulates the flow of electrons to carry out a specific task.
Electrical Circuits, Diagrams and Their Components
The first electric circuit was invented in 1800 by Alessandro Volta. An electrical circuit is a closed system of wires and electrical components that allows the flow of current when there is a potential difference between two places along the circuit. A Circuit diagram is used to represent electric circuits. A source of electrical energy such as a cell or battery, a load that uses electricity, connecting wires composed of strong electric conductors, and a switch or key compose an electric circuit. The elements that enable or regulate the flow of electric charge in a circuit are a component of electric circuits. Some of these electronic components are connected to create an electric circuit. Each electric circuit component offers a conducting path for the current to move through them.
Electrical and electronic components are designed, built, and maintained using circuit diagrams. A circuit diagram is a simplified form of electrical components of a circuit represented by either the images of the individual parts with their standard electrical symbols. The components of the circuit are described by using electrical symbols. These symbols enable us to identify a specific electronic component in a circuit diagram.
Applications of Electronics
Engine management and automotive entertainment systems in the automotive sector frequently involve electronics. The aerospace sector heavily relies on electronics. One crucial industry that incorporates electronics in many aspects is the healthcare care industry. Electricity is used in numerous techniques, including electrocardiogram (ECG), ultrasound, X-ray, and NMR. Electronics have made technological growth possible. Electronics make it feasible to perform robotic examinations. Air conditioners, elevators, lighting, laptops, printers, fax machines, and desktop computers are just a few of the electrical devices used in offices.